
Single Family Home in Wijdewormer

Area: 400 m2
Floors: 3
Three storey single family home project in Wijdewormer, The Netherlands. The custom design house amounts to 400 m2 of above ground floor area with 200 m2 more in the basement built by the client.

The building required custom solutions throughout. The layout featured large open spaces, most notably, the first floor which is all one open space of 160 m2 with only 4 visible posts. This required steel beam reinforcement of the structure and use of CLT panels.

Extremely large windows (up to 5.8 m in height) and sliding doors were used. The client will be installing facade blinds to protect from the sun heating up the indoors through the large windows.

Thermally modified wood was used for open siding (allowing gaps between boards) which provides optimal ventilation of the facade and the least maintenance with the aesthetic of true wood. The design features hidden gutter downspouts for clean lines in the exterior.

Specific requirements for roofing include: flat roof designed for living roof installation, solar batteries to be installed on sloped roof.
The house structure was made using a smart vapour control layer and cellulose insulation to provide additional passive indoor microclimate regulation.
Production of the house started in October, assembling commenced in November and ZTC works on site were finished by January meeting the deadlines of the client.

Scope of ZTC work

ZTC prepared the technical project for wooden constructions of the prefab wood house, produced the construction elements (panels with windows and doors already fitted in the factory and other elements) and organized transportation of the building kit including flat concrete roofing tiles from Monier and snow guards. A team of ZTC workers assembled the building on site, did air sealing and exterior finishing works.

Laying of foundation, construction of ground floor, partial roofing works and installation of specific systems, interior engineering communications (piping, wiring) and interior finishing was organized by the client.