
The project MORE-CONNECT is on the finish line

21.11.2018 11:25

The project MORE-CONNECT implemented by RTU after the Horizon 2020 program, where prefab house europe producer ZTC also participated, is coming to an end.

The project MORE-CONNECT implemented by RTU after the Horizon 2020 program, where prefab house europe producer ZTC also participated, is coming to an end. The project’s goal has been achieved. We are pleased to be able to use our experience and knowledge to improve the insulation of residential buildings. Also to improve their indoor climate.

MORE-CONNECT (Development and advanced prefabrication of innovative, multifunctional building envelope elements for MOdular REtrofitting and smart CONNECTions) aim is to create and display industrially manufactured and assembled components for building renovation. The elements are intended for production in five European geostationaries, thus offering a quick and effective renovation of old buildings at reasonable prices.

MORE-CONNECT is a project funded by the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Program. MORE-CONNECT strives to develop manufactured, multifunctional renovation elements for the building’s overall enclosure (facade and roof) and assembly construction services.  Produced elements would be selected and combined by end- user based on their specific needs. More about MORE-CONNECT Here

About the project
After several years of active work on the modular renovation process, MORE-CONNECT partners, including the prefab house europe producer ZTC, have prepared training modules for engineers, craftsmen, architects, and others. The training modules have been prepared for five European countries, including Latvia, taking into account local needs and specificities. The project included renovation of residential buildings in Latvia, Estonia, Denmark and the Netherlands. And a small demonstration building was built in the Czech Republic.

The project developed two automation solutions for building renovation process. The first is the production line automation, while the second is automation on the site. The automated industrial production line implemented by the project industry partner frame house manufacturer ZTC allows reducing the amount of construction waste and ensuring the application of thermal insulation with the highest precision controlled by the automation line pre-set algorithm. During the project different solutions for panel fasteners were developed.

The developed fixing solutions should be adapted to specific series of standard multistory apartment buildings in Latvia.

During the project, it was found that the cost of renovation of buildings using industrial produced panels is higher than with typical insulation solutions. However, given the increasing intensity of the renovation process, cost savings can be predicted.