Wood panel construction is a great opportunity to improve and develop existing buildings where other development possibilities are scarce. Building extensions upwards could be a gamechanger in the years to come!Wood construction - excellent for building extensionsAdding a storey or roof extension is how an existing building can generate increased revenue in areas where opportunities for new developments on the ground are scarce. Timber construction offers great potential for changing and modernizing existing, older buildings which are often constructed from concrete. The simplest method is to design a new roof for an existing building so it fits a number of apartments into the attic space. The gained space can just as well be used for installations to improve energy efficiency and ventilation heat exchangers.
Buildings often have margins that would be sufficient for additional lightweight timber structures. Prefabricated wooden panels are uniquely suited for such applications. Surely the design must be verified to check that margin for absorbing the additional vertical loads and ensuring horizontal stability is sufficient. Also such projects are usually part of whole renovation of buildings because added space, especially apartments, can require added capacity of plumbing, electrical, heating, ventilation and other systems that should be improved in such a case.

Wood panel construction is a great opportunity to improve and develop existing buildings where other development possibilities are scarce. Building extensions upwards could be a gamechanger in the years to come!
Roofs - unused development potentialDemand for housing continues to grow in urban areas. Previously industrial areas were converted for commercial and residential uses under this pressure. Even so area for new development is very limited in many urban areas. Many cities see densification as part of the answer to provide housing space, by filling vacant lots or more efficient building replacement.
Another alternative for creating housing in large cities is to add onto existing buildings. That is why extensions of office buildings, hotels or large residential buildings are becoming more common. Building extensions constructed of wooden panels can be a fast – and inexpensive – solution, especially the case that carrying capacity of existing building components is fully utilized or the building is not designed for heavy loads. Wood has high strength to relatively low weight ratio.