Wood panel house
Today the leading construction companies are working ever harder to create as ecological living space as possible for people and so use of more ecological, natural building materials in construction is rising. Wood is one of the few materials whose extensive use in construction makes the dwelling not only safer for the inhabitants of the house but has a positive impact on the ecosystem of our planet globally.

The basic structure of a wooden panel house is a load-bearing wooden frame. Timber elements such as walls, cladding and roof structures are manufactured in a factory, then both sides are covered with boundary boards and filled with thermal insulation material. Thermal insulation materials can be different, for example, stone wool, eco wool, etc.

 Various options for exterior finishing

Wooden panel houses have the opportunity to choose various finishing options for the house decoration, for example, wooden cladding with vertical finishing boards, with horizontal finishing boards, brick finishing, decorative plaster, composite finishing boards, etc. This diversity provides the opportunity to customize the appearance of the home.


In building a house from wood panels the major amount of work – the production of elements of the building such as wall, ceiling and roof building components are prefabricated according to a precise project in a controlled environment – the production factory. The building components therefore are not affected by the elements – rain, snow and frost, therefore the use of preservatives is not necessary which makes panelized buildings more environmentally friendly and ecological. ZTC house construction projects are developed in SEMA software. In the production process, high-quality and precision equipment is used, but for raw materials we choose only high-quality materials with a valid EU quality certificate. Wood pieces are precisely cut from a production file with a CNC speedcutter. Production designs of each panel follow it through the production process to ensure precision, quality, accountability and control.

ZTC owns a factory adapted to the specifics of the production process of wooden frame panel structures, which provides the opportunity not only to guarantee the high quality of the produced products, but also to offer competitive prices and production volumes on the market. The experience accumulated by the company over the years and the developed production technology allow any technical solution of the panel to be realized in life without significant limitations. The wooden panel houses produced by ZTC are among the few in the Baltic States that are CE certified.

Precise planning, organization of wood house prefabrication and productive equipment ensure timely and precise execution of the technological process. ZTC believes in applying this principle to all stages of element house prefabrication. This applies to material workpiece sawing to specified dimensions, their transfer to assembly posts, assembly of finished components, their packaging and transporting to the finished product warehouse. Such house prefabrication planning allows for fast and high quality construction. Furthermore assembly is possible in places that are difficult or even impossible to reach with large construction equipment.

We clad the load-bearing structures of a prefabricated house from the outside with air barrier sheets. Next we overlay it with a windproof membrane. Therefore we ensure good hermetic properties and prevent heat losses. On the inside of the panel we overlay thermal insulation with an active vapour control layer. This protects the separating structures of the building and insulation from the humidity indoors (vapour). It also improves the microclimate in the room.

If the client requires, we can thicken the timber frame of the building with extra thermal insulation. This is how we can make components of passive houses which increases construction costs but leads to increased thermal resistance and subsequently decreased heating costs.

ZTC uses wood materials of C16 (in least significant structures like partition walls) and C24 (for load-bearing structures) norms of durability for wood structures of buildings. This wood is industrially dried and calibrated afterwards, then sorted by level of durability and marked with CE conformity marking according to EU norms. When necessary depending on the place of use of wood materials ZTC processes or impregnates the wood materials with specific wood protection solutions that significantly increase the lifespan of wood.

With an industrial insulation system insulation is pressure blown into panels with software controlling the amount and density packed in. This way insulation fills all the tight corners and does not leave air pockets. The process ensures better thermal and sound insulation and prevents compacting of the insulation with time. After packing visual quality control is performed which is not possible if insulation blown in through a hole with the usual technology.


ZTC offers delivery and assembly of wooden frame structures produced by the company both in Latvia and abroad.

When the panels are manufactured, they are loaded on trucks according to a pre-planned transport/loading plan. The loading plan is drafted according to the sequence of assembly of the building so that elements arrive truck by truck just when they are needed.
Prefab house assembling work is done by ZTC employees who are specialists in their field and true professionals, thereby ensuring that the building is assembled precisely as provided in the project.

Thanks to modern and efficient construction technology wood panel houses can be assembled in a very short time. Together with finishing works a single house usually requires one to three months of work on-site, depending on the scope of works. Industrial prefabrication allows to manufacture the panels simultaneously while the foundation is being laid and assembling it in a short time.

Prefab house assembling technology developed by ZTC allows the works to be carried out on a comparatively compact building site because the building can be assembled by offloading the panels directly from the transport that delivers the finished panels from the factory. This way stockpiling the materials on the building site can be avoided which is advantageous in confined areas such as the city centre.