
Privātmājas projekts Nīderlandē (+atsauksme, montāžas video)

Platība: 200 m2
Stāvi: 2
ZTC pabeidzis darbu pie skaista dizaina privātmājas būvniecības Nīderlandē, netālu no Nijmegen pilsētas. Divstāvu mājas kopējā platība ir 200m2.  

Māju dizainiski interesantu padara ne tikai tās forma, bet arī metāla fasādes savienojums ar ekskluzīvu termiski apstrādātu oša fasādes apdari. Būvei ir metāla fasādes apdare gan jumtam, gan fasādei. Ēkai ir iestrādātas neredzamās lietus teknes. Savukārt, iekšsienām kā gala apdare tiek eksponēts krāsot CLT. 

ZTC darbu apjoms 

Zemgales tehnoloģiskais centrs veica mājas koka konstrukciju projektēšanu, ražoja mājas būvkonstrukcijas un elementus, organizēja transportēšanu uz objektu. ZTC darbinieki objektā veica mājas montāžu. 

Mājas montāžas procesu varat aplūkot šajā video: 

Klientu atsauksme: 

After our decision to build a wooden house, we ended up at ZTC through an internet search. From the first moment the contact was positive and constructive. We were able to ask all our questions and received quick answers both by email and via Teams consultation. During the design process, they thought carefully and proactively and searched for suitable solutions. During a company visit we received a good explanation about the construction process in the factories. 
The construction crew who built the house worked smoothly and neatly. They had a good eye for detail and the few minor problems that arose were resolved neatly. Construction went according to time schedule. 
Communication was in English, but we did not experience that as a problem. 
Even our architect was very pleased with the quality delivered and we can recommend ZTC to everyone. 

Lianne and Ralf - The Netherlands